# modified by peacok March 2024, stop support for pikvm code. # PiKVM always only uses the latest libraries. # They probably do this specifically so you can sell their hardware. # There's nothing you can't do with Bookwoorm or Ubuntu LTS, except for the modern libraries. # Even if they use the latest libraries, there is no added value for the user, so it has to be political, sales strategic. # Most recent problem is on libgpiod (1.6.3 stable linux), pikvm use (2.1.x kernel.org) # It would be time for a fork that runs on the stable official distros Debian/Ubuntu. # This is the point where I stop my involvement with xe5700. # # OK By Christoph Peacok St.gallen.... please use only Distributions with python3.11 thx, .. cue Changes: 3 Nov 2023 few fixes, remove apt-key, using $PYTHON_VERSION, disabling PIP install # I fix this in the script now, 20 Okt 2023 27 Juli 2023 ttl=5 error , a hack, disable ttl=5, i think is not correct, but work at moment, i think comming a different solution later, so i don't put in install.sh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: nano /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/kvmd-3.241-py3.11.egg/kvmd/apps/kvmd/api/export.py Line: 56 # @async_lru.alru_cache(maxsize=1, ttl=5) @async_lru.alru_cache(maxsize=1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have a look: https://github.com/xe5700/kvmd-armbian/issues/12 Index: 0 Proper wright a SDcard 1 On any other Pi Boards Brands 2 On OrangePi Zero 2 H616/1GByte 3 Other Stuff: Mass Storage Drive, ATX, USB Video Capture 4 Tipp USB Hub internal your CPU 0) Proper wright a SDcard ====================== http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/mksdcardpi/ (be carefull, danger !! , but it works ) 1) On any other Pi Boards Brands ============================= You must make the DTB Files yourself for USB-OTG Support. Have a look in the pdf. First Boot: ----------- You go ssh on the PiBoard device, passwort for root is 1234 By adding a new User,, presst CTRL+C, we don't need. apt update && sync && apt -y upgrade apt -y install git curl wget avahi-daemon sync reboot Second Boot: ------------- Don't use Custom Patches, say N !!! git clone https://github.com/xe5700/kvmd-armbian.git cd kvmd-armbian mv install.sh install.sh.bak mv config.sh config.sh.bak wget http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/install.sh wget http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/config.sh chmod +x install.sh sync ./install.sh Third Boot: ----------- cd kvmd-armbian ./install.sh 2) For my OrangePi Zero 2 H616/1GByte this is my best Solution 29 Mai 2023 ===================================================================================================== I use Armbian OS, you loose HDMI out, and WLAN Get it: https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-zero-2/ --> Other supported variants --> Armbian Bookworm CLI Kernel 6.x Extract it: you need unxz File.xz ====================================================================================================== - I hope OrangePI make themself later a moderner proper Kernel with USB OTG Module Support - This boots very save up, and Mass Storage Drive work too - With this way you loose wlan onboard, but you can use a suitable USB-Wlan Stick or use the LAN eth - If you Wlan Stick fits, then armbian-config Network Wifi - I use "Microware Video Capture USB Device" for HDMI Capture Video ****************************************************************************************************** SD Card is on the PC -------------------- Write the Armbian_xxx.img to the sdcard #on the sdcard: you must know your own, where is the sdcard mounted on your pc, only schematicly commands follows.. #you must cklick it one time in nautilus to mount it. (The new Bookworm Armbian CLI Version has a correct dtb for OrangePi Zero 2 in..) #sudo mv /media/your_user_name/armbi_root/boot/dtb/allwinner/sun50i-h616-orangepi-zero2.dtb /media/your_user_name/armbi_root/boot/dtb/allwinner/sun50i-h616-orangepi-zero2.dtb.bak #Take my sun50i-h616-orangepi-zero2.dtb #sudo cp sun50i-h616-orangepi-zero2.dtb /media/your_user_name/armbi_root/boot/dtb/allwinner/ #The new sun50i-h616-orangepi-zero2.dtb must be on the sdcard befor the first boot! Then plug the sdcard to the orangepizero2 board. First Boot: ----------- You go ssh on the device Orangpizero2 , passwort for root is 1234 By adding a new User,, press CTRL+C, we don't need. apt update && sync && apt -y upgrade apt -y install avahi-daemon git curl wget sync reboot Second Boot: ------------- armbian-config --> System --> CPU: Enable CPU Frequency True, Minimum CPU 100800 , Maximum CPU 15142000, Conservative OK/Back --> Personal --> Welcome: 10-armbian-header , 41-armbian-config SAVE/Back/Back/Exit Don't use Custom Patches, say N !!! git clone https://github.com/xe5700/kvmd-armbian.git cd kvmd-armbian mv install.sh install.sh.bak mv config.sh config.sh.bak wget http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/install.sh wget http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/config.sh chmod +x install.sh sync ./install.sh Third Boot: ----------- cd kvmd-armbian ./install.sh 3) Other Stuff: ============ Mass Storage Drive: ------------------- You can add a USB-Stick with sda1 ext4 an add in /etc/fstab this line: /dev/sda1 /var/lib/kvmd/msd ext4 nodev,nosuid,noexec,ro,errors=remount-ro,data=journal,X-kvmd.otgmsd-root=/var/lib/kvmd/msd,X-kvmd.otgmsd-user=kvmd 0 0 and in /etc/kvmd/override.yaml (deacitvate #msd type): hid: mouse_alt: device: /dev/kvmd-hid-mouse-alt # allow absolute/relative mouse mode # msd: # type: disabled . . save and then... reboot Or you resize the sdcard, und make there a second ext4 partiton for MSD (with sudo gparted, must be unmounted for that, but i don't explain detailed here) Change kvmd User Password: -------------------------- Only in a Terminal: And change the password: kvmd-htpasswd set admin, or new user kvmd-htpasswd set NewUserName ATX Support: ------------ Have a look in the pdf... ( /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/kvmd/plugins/atx/gpio.py ) Fix for "Microware Video Capture USB Device": --------------------------------------------- Have a look to the repvideo file... and boot it up in rc.local wget http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/repvideo -O /usr/local/bin/repvideo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/repvideo nano /etc/rc.local . . . # Reboot "Microware Video Capture USB Device" on startup `sleep 10; exec /usr/local/bin/repvideo >/dev/null 2>&1` & exit 0 save it! done. 4 Tipp ====== The Orangepizero2 H616 has a build in Hub in the H616 CPU, if you go up screen resolution over 1280x1024 , you will get problem. The internal USB HUB of Orangepizeor2 will be overladed from the lot of Datas Video.. ok ,)